Some of the figures I have on the bench at the moment are hopefully going to finish up as the characters in the collage above, so I’m using the photos as a reference for painting up their suits & logos etc,  Pironi and Villeneuve are both in there as I’m planning a small vignette from their big bust-up at Imola in ’82. On that occasion Villeneuve would have been wearing his distinctive white suit with Pironi wearing red. While I’m at it I’ll paint up another version of both from earlier days – Villeneuve wearing his red outfit (Montreal’ 78 for his first win) and the earlier suit colour sported by Pironi which was blue – a nice contrast I think. I’ve always had a hankering to do a figure of Andretti in the Essex colours – I really think that livery is quite cool so he’s in there.  Piquet as another world champion from his Brabham years (white overalls) is also in there. From way back in the pre-war years we have the oriental Prince Bira of Siam sporting the leather helmet and all white overalls on whic he sports the distinctive badge of the BRDC. Nigel mansell is next with his trademark flat cap and finishing up then with another “team-mate tussle” between Senna and Prost – which is the basis for another of my planned vignettes. With the exception of four figures, I have all the others ready to take paint . Below are a couple of photos which might go some way to explaining what I’m up to.  All the characters I’ve referred to are in this group shot – the three figures blocked in with red are Senna, Villeneuev from his first win and Mansell in his flat cap. The next picture is Senna unfastening his helmet with Prost walking behind (from their clash in Japan) averting his gaze downwards carrying his helmet. The next two photos are Villeneuve (head bowed) and Pironi waving in victory with Enzo looking on. Finally a stand alone Piquet – these last couple of figures still have some sculpting work to complete on them – the Milliput has hardned but it needs to be filled to shape. That’s all for the moment, cheers,