Severe case of “Painters whiplash” – but I’m on the mend!!


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The dangers of miniature figure painting are hugely underrated; there I was drawing the brush along the figure concentrating hard on keeping a straight line and then, the brush slipped, and I felt the most awful shooting pain right up my arm into my neck and resulting in what the doctors say is the first recorded case of “Painters whiplash”!! – doh – joke, joke,!!  No seriously, I aggravated an old disc injury some months ago and instead of heeding my physio’s sound advice, I overdid the painting sessions and now I’ve ended up in a surgical collar.  At the moment I can manage an hour or two a day seated at the bench (with frequent breaks) so my output is going to be severely limited for the next couple of months.  Many thanks to all of you for sending your kind good wishes, and in particular to those of you who are waiting for painted figures; your patience is much appreciated at this time.  A couple of days in Rome last week taking the heat and supping copious amounts of “vino rosso” has helped me feel a lot better about the situation.   I’ll take it day by day and this time I think I’ll follow the doctors orders – it sounds like a good plan anyway!  I’ll use the opportunity to update my blog with detail of all the various projects I have on the go at the moment.  As you can see the bench is looking pretty full at the moment – thats’ about a third of what I have in progress- help!!




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