I came across some really nice miniature 1/18 scale petrol (gas) pumps recently in a city centre toy shop. Some are the conventional “oblong” shape and others are I suppose, more “bottle” shape and each one carries the branding of the fuel it dispenses – (real or imaginary names, I can’t say as I’ve never heard of any of them).  I have a roadside diorama in mind involving a desolate abandoned service station which has seen better days with weathered timber, and plenty of rust (I really don’t need this project, but as you can see, I’m easly distracted!!). I’ve made a start on roughing up one of the pumps with a dremel tool to create wear and tear so to speak. I think I’ll give it a coat of primer and then see how the weathering and washing turns out – the same fate awaits the red “bottle” shaped pump. The three Italian engines I have on the bench are looking rather smooth following the couple of coast of primer I laid on them this morning – another splendid sunny day here again and great for spraying. Cheers for now,