Stephens Green Art 2008

The final Stephens Green “Art week-end” of 2008 took place last week-end 19th – 21st Sept’.  The weather was very good with plenty of warm sunshine over the three days – what a contrast to the terrible rain we all experienced in August and June!  I was located on the East side of the Green and I must say it was very pleasant sitting in the sunshine enjoying the wonderful “banter” and company of the other artists. Once again the standard/quality of the art was very high and I was “blown away” by some of the wonderful pieces on display – so as always, the competition was very strong and despite the downturn artists were producing some great paintings at very keen prices.   With the crowds most likely heading to the beach rather than the city centre to “grab” the late summer sunshine and combined with the current economic conditions – the dreaded “R” word abounded (Recession) – overall it was a quiet affair with most artists reporting sales as being slow and modest.   So for those of us who have a regular spot on Merrion Square, it’s back there this coming week-end, and although the weather has improved somewhat in the last week, there is a discernable drop in temperature, so it’s time to get out the “winter wollies” – here comes winter – next stop Christmas!!   Which brings me to one of my “Pet Hates”; apart from the fact that we haven’t really had any summer weather this year, it’s still only mid September and the kids have just gone back to school, some people I know haven’t even taken their annual holidays yet, and already one or two of the big department stores have their Christmas displays up and running!! There really should be a law against this kind of thing – at least until after Halloween – I’ll stop now before I get myself into a state.  In the meantime, I’ll see if I can upload some photos of the Stephens Green Art I took with my mobile phone over the week-end.  Cheers for now.

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