Clash of the Titans at Suzuka

It's all over now!

And what a clash – at  Suzuka in 1990 for the Japanese Grand Prix (the penultimate round of the season) all eyes were on the two main protagonists sitting on the front row of the grid; Ayrton Senna and Alian Prost.    Senna (on pole) believed he was on the “wrong/dirtier” side of the track had vowed before the start that he would do everything he could to prevent Prost from claiming the racing line into the first corner and what happend as they both challenged for the same piece of tarmack became one of the most famous and controversial incidents in motor racing history.  The challenge for the racing line resulted in both cars touching and neither driver making it round the first corner.  Both cars ended up in the kitty litter and the championship was decided in favour of Senna.   In this small vignette I’m focussing on trying to convey the very obvious awkward body language displayed by both drivers on their long walk back to the pits.  From the photos and footage of the event I’ve seen, it appears Senna kept his helmet on for most of that walk with Prost some distance behind carrying his helmet and his head bowed in incredulity and dismay at what had happened.  I’ve used two Denizen figures (which I’ve modified slightly to achieve the correct stance) and so far I’ve just blocked in the main colours – so more on these two later.


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