Gilles Villeneuve 1/20 scale driver figure

Another of the driver figures I have just added to my Work in Progress stock is this one of Gilles Villeneuve.  The figure is by GF-models and apart from being very nicely detailed it has an excellent likeness to the man himself.  So far, I’ve just slightly modified the hair (to make it slightly longer) and I’ve also added some detail to the polo necked fireproof under vest.   As I have three figures of Gilles to make and paint, I’ve decided to depict him wearing different overalls representing different periods from his short driving career – this version will be … Continue reading Gilles Villeneuve 1/20 scale driver figure

Another crop of miniature F1Driver Figures

I’ve just started another crop of Formula One Driver figures – these metal figures in 1/43rd scale are intended to accompany model cars and add a human dimension to diecast collections.  Having said that, as a long time miniature figure painter (mainly military), I always assemble and paint my figures to exhibition standards, so they can be displayed as miniatures in their own right.    These figures are by Denizen Miniatures (run by Chub Pearson) and are probably the best (in terms of detail and anatomical proportions) 43rd scale figures around.  I’ve just assembled, based, undercoated and blocked in the … Continue reading Another crop of miniature F1Driver Figures