……………..whatever that means? But there is something about the notion that one can hold in ones hand a miniature representation of something which is much bigger in reality and shrink it down to enjoy and devour all the lovely details – much like diecast collecting!  This little painting of Jacky Ickx driving a Ferrari is on a miniature canvas 4X3 (inches) and perched on it’s own little easle it does exude a kind of attractiveness purely because of it’s tiny size and when posed alongside other miniatures (like the figure or diecast) I find myself struggling (for a brief milisecond) to put it all in context. I suppose it’s because the human brain is not used to seeing an actual painting which is so small in such a context. I normally paint on large canvasses, but about a year ago I picked up a selection of these tiny canvasses in my local art shop with the intention of experimenting and satisfying my curiosity. I doodled for about an hour (using some acrylic paint) trying to capture the essence of Jacky piloting the Ferrari – red car, Blue helmet etc, etc – I’ll let others be the judge! It’s posed with 43rd scale items but I think it might work slightly better if included in a display of larger scale, say 1/20 or 1/18?  More of these little canvasses are on the way – cheers for now,