Workbench – WIP (Edited Jan, ’18)

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Man on the Loo!
Man on the Loo!

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Stuck to the Loo!
Stuck to the Loo!

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My good friend John Murphy has kindly delivered more output from his mouldmaking and casting activities. Once again my timing was pretty brutal by delivering him some masters for casting (well seven actually) in the first week of December.  In my defence, I gave him express instructions not to touch them until the effects of all the turkey and pudding had worn off!  But John being that eager little beaver that he is, he shipped them back to me all completed the following week – all very naughty of you John, but I do hope Santa delivered everything you needed this Yuletide, you definitely deserve it!  That little collection of figures includes mostly some vintage drivers and pit crews together with yet another Tazio – I really do have the Nuvolari bug!   Another delivery that arrived was from Immense Miniatures who believe it or not shipped me (yes you’ve guessed it) another Tazio Nuvolart – a real corker of a figure together with a beautifully cast Dan Gurney.  My own initial humble efforts at casting some figures in resin didn’t turn out too badly.  There’s something very satisfying about casting ones own conversions/sculpts and the learning is just invaluable. So onwards and upwards with all these lots in the coming months.  Thankfully the health has come good in all respects and I’m really looking forward to the year ahead.

I’ve just added a humorous little piece which I’ve entitled; Stuck to the Loo – it looks like it will be quite painful actually, enough said! – see the pic’s and a separate posting with the relevant details!

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