“Pits and bits”!

I’m continuing to add some more detail to my 1/20 scale Tamiya pit set.  Each time I finish a painting session I use the left-over paint on the palette to apply washes and and glazes – and slowly build up the effects and finishes.   I’ve found this approach works best for me with projects like this.    This kind of painting is a nice break from the more deliberate stuff – less stressful as it kind of “paints itself” over a couple of sessions!  I usually have a number of projects on the go at the same time and “hop” … Continue reading “Pits and bits”!

Tamiya Tool set 1/20 – the “well used look”

The tools from the Tamiy F1 pit crew set is something I’ve been threatening to do for some time now.  I have a couple of pre ’80’s car dioramas in mind and I want to incorporate that “grubby” effect which is so much a part of the F1 scene arond that time.  It was a time when spanners, screwdrivers and oily cans and rags were all very much a part of the pit scene.  Nowadays, you would be hard pushed to make out the engine in the back of a modern F1 car – gone is the massive maze of … Continue reading Tamiya Tool set 1/20 – the “well used look”

Armco paint job – overcooked the weathering!

I think it’s back to the drawing board with this hairspray technique for me – I totally overdid the “scraping back” step and ended up with a very extreme finish and not really the result I was after  – stil it’s not the end of the world though as it’s something I haven’t tried before and well, I’m learning!  As I look at it again it would probably suit an older era Diorama – say the late 60’s although, the armco they used at that time was only two layers high – I’ll have a think about it – maybe … Continue reading Armco paint job – overcooked the weathering!

Armco paintjob….with Hairspray!

I’m trying out this “Hairspray” technique which the armour modellers use to get the faded and chipping paint effect.  I applied some initial ramdom “underneath” colors and then gave it a blast of hairspray followed by another thicker coat of top colors.  The idea being that when water is now applied to the top coat it reacts with the hairspray underneath and by rubbing the top coat with a toothpick it will loosen the top coat and expose the colors underneath – it sounds all too easy, so we shall see !   Pictures below show the first coat with the … Continue reading Armco paintjob….with Hairspray!

Keep it on the “black stuff” – with the help of Armco!

A while back, I posted pictures of how I modified the Armco barrier which comes with the Tamiya pit set.  I gave it a coat of primer, so now all I have to do is paint it up (Red&White I think?) with some appropriate weathering and it should make a nice “prop” for photographing the 1/20 driver figures. I placed it on a suitable base to take some test shots and see how it looked with figures of the same scale, and I think it looks the part. Continue reading Keep it on the “black stuff” – with the help of Armco!

More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!

As usual, when I examined yesterdays batch at close quarters, I saw areas which needed further attention – so with more re-work in prospect, I added in more items in need of some primer including some more tool sets and a nice pair of 43rd scale figures together with some really nice 43rd scale armco from Denizen and two 24th scale drivers one of which is the Alonso figure for the F10 I’m building; the other one is an old Modellers figure representing Schumacher (pre Hans era). – Tomorrow is another day so I’ll let these dry and have another … Continue reading More priming and undercoating – mindnumbing stuff!!